Dr Vidushi Mehta

Antenatal Care in Indore

Doctor for Antenatal Care in Indore

Antenatal care, also known as prenatal care, is essential for monitoring the health and well-being of both mother and baby throughout pregnancy. Regular antenatal visits help ensure that any potential complications are identified and managed early, promoting a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery. At our clinic, we offer comprehensive antenatal care in Indore, providing expectant mothers with the support, education, and medical care they need during this important time.

Importance and Benefits

Benefits of Antenatal Care:

  • Monitoring Pregnancy Health: Regular check-ups allow for the continuous monitoring of the mother’s and baby’s health, ensuring that both are progressing well.
  • Early Detection of Complications: Routine tests and screenings help identify potential complications such as gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or fetal growth issues, allowing for timely intervention.
  • Nutritional and Lifestyle Guidance: Expectant mothers receive guidance on proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices to support a healthy pregnancy.
  • Emotional Support: Antenatal care provides emotional and psychological support, helping mothers-to-be feel confident and prepared for childbirth and parenting.
  • Preparation for Labor and Delivery: Education on the birthing process, pain management options, and delivery plans prepares expectant mothers for what to expect during labor and delivery.
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Why Choose Us

At our clinic, we are dedicated to providing exceptional antenatal care through a patient-centered approach. Our experienced team of obstetricians, midwives, and healthcare professionals are committed to ensuring a healthy and positive pregnancy experience. We offer personalized care plans, state-of-the-art facilities, and a compassionate environment to support you at every stage of your pregnancy journey.

Frequently asked questions

The frequency of antenatal visits typically increases as your pregnancy progresses. Generally, visits are scheduled every four weeks during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy, every two weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks until delivery.

During your first visit, your healthcare provider will take a detailed medical history, perform a physical examination, and conduct initial tests such as blood work and an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy and establish a baseline for your prenatal care.

Yes, certain screenings and diagnostic tests during antenatal care can detect birth defects and genetic conditions. These may include ultrasound scans, blood tests, and specialized screenings such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).

To ensure a healthy pregnancy, attend all scheduled antenatal appointments, follow your healthcare provider’s advice on nutrition and lifestyle, take prenatal vitamins, avoid harmful substances like alcohol and tobacco, and maintain a healthy level of physical activity.