Dr Vidushi Mehta

Obstetrics & Gynecologist in Indore

Gynecologist in Indore

Obstetrics is the branch of medicine that focuses on the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. It encompasses a wide range of services aimed at ensuring the health and well-being of both mother and baby throughout the stages of pregnancy and childbirth. At our clinic in Indore, we offer comprehensive obstetrics services delivered by experienced healthcare professionals who are dedicated to providing personalized care and support to expectant mothers at every step of their pregnancy journey.

Prenatal Care

Prenatal care is a cornerstone of obstetric services and involves regular check-ups and screenings to monitor the health and development of both mother and baby during pregnancy. Our team of obstetricians and healthcare providers offers personalized prenatal care plans tailored to meet the individual needs and preferences of each expectant mother. Prenatal visits may include physical exams, ultrasounds, blood tests, and discussions about nutrition, exercise, and childbirth preparation.

Labor and Delivery

Labor and delivery is the culmination of the pregnancy journey, where the expectant mother gives birth to her baby with the support of skilled healthcare providers. Our clinic provides a safe and nurturing environment for labor and delivery, with access to state-of-the-art facilities and amenities to ensure a comfortable and positive birthing experience. Our team is trained to manage all aspects of labor and delivery, including pain management, fetal monitoring, and emergency interventions, if needed.

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Postpartum Care

Postpartum care focuses on supporting the physical and emotional well-being of both mother and baby in the weeks and months following childbirth. Our clinic offers comprehensive postpartum care services to help new mothers recover from childbirth, adjust to their new roles, and navigate the challenges of early motherhood. Postpartum visits may include check-ups for both mother and baby, breastfeeding support, contraception counseling, and guidance on newborn care and development.

High-Risk Obstetrics

High-risk obstetrics involves the management of pregnancy complications or medical conditions that may pose a risk to the health of the mother or baby. Our clinic is equipped to provide specialized care for high-risk pregnancies, with access to advanced diagnostic tools and treatment options to monitor and manage potential complications. Our team of maternal-fetal medicine specialists, obstetricians, and other healthcare professionals work collaboratively to ensure the best possible outcomes for both mother and baby.

You can find exceptional  Obstetricians and gynecologist in Indore who provide comprehensive care for women’s health needs. Dr. Vidushi Mehta is one such prominent figure, offering expertise in obstetrics and gynecology. Whether you require prenatal care, gynecological examinations, or specialized treatments, experienced professionals like Dr. Mehta ensure you receive top-notch care tailored to your individual needs.

Frequently asked questions

It is recommended to schedule your first prenatal visit as soon as you suspect you are pregnant or as soon as you receive a positive pregnancy test. Early prenatal care is important for monitoring the health and development of both mother and baby and identifying any potential risk factors or complications.

Prenatal visits typically involve physical exams, ultrasounds, blood tests, and discussions about nutrition, exercise, and childbirth preparation. Your healthcare provider will monitor your health and the progress of your pregnancy and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Pain management options during labor and delivery may include epidural anesthesia, intravenous pain medications, relaxation techniques, and supportive measures such as massage or hydrotherapy. Your healthcare provider will discuss the available options and help you create a birth plan that aligns with your preferences and goals.

During the postpartum period, you can expect to undergo physical and emotional changes as your body recovers from childbirth and you adjust to your new role as a mother. Postpartum care may include check-ups for both mother and baby, breastfeeding support, contraception counseling, and guidance on newborn care and development.